Support for DofE, QSA & YL Awards
The Wildfire Explorer Scout Unit supports members (and older members of the 1st Sandstone Scout Troop) who wish to earn Duke of Edinburgh Awards at Bronze, Silver and Gold level, and the King’s Scout Award.
We have our own DofE Assessors and DofE Leaders within the Unit which allows us to provide personal support to all our members. Our Assessors and Leaders are David Lithgow Smith (Assessor/Leader), Fran Lithgow Smith (Assessor/Leader) and Brad Beazley (Leader)
This section is specifically for those members, and collects together information and documents which members working towards these awards will find useful.
Select the award in which you are interested by clicking on the appropriate badge or title link
DofE Bronze Award
You can start working for your DofE Bronze Award in the school year in which your 14th birthday falls. You can complete the Volunteering Section by helping the Beaver or Cub Sections as a Young Leader, and we run training and Practice and Qualifying Expeditions which will enable to complete the Expedition section. You can complete the Skills and Physical sections within scouting, in an extra curricular activity at school, or by pursuing a hobby or other interest at home or with a club
DofE Silver Award
You can start working for your DofE Silver Award in the school year in which your 15th birthday falls. You can complete the Volunteering Section by helping the Beaver, Cub or Scout Sections as a Young Leader, and we run training and Practice and Qualifying Expeditions which will enable to complete the Expedition section. You can complete the Skills and Physical sections within scouting, in an extra curricular activity at school, or by pursuing a hobby or other interest at home or with a club
DofE Gold Award
You can start working for your DofE Silver Award on your 16th birthday. You can complete the Volunteering Section by helping the Beaver, Cub or Scout Sections as a Young Leader, and we run training and Practice and Qualifying Expeditions which will enable to complete the Expedition section. You can complete the Skills and Physical sections within scouting, in an extra curricular activity at school, or by pursuing a hobby or other interest at home or with a club. You must organise the Residential Section yourself but you will find links to possible residentials on the following pages.
King’s Scout Award
The King’s Scout Award is the top achievement in Scouting and can be earned by Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members. It is a recognised ‘career enhancer’ recognised by many employers.
You have until your 26th birthday to earn the King’s Scout Award.
The King’s Scout Award (KSA) is linked closely to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award and it is worth working on the two awards together.
Young Leader Award
The Young Leaders’ Scheme helps Explorer Scouts to develop and grow as individuals. It allows them to make a valuable contribution to their community and give service to others. The scheme also helps them fulfil the service elements of their awards.
If you are using your volunteering as a Young Leader to complete the volunteering section of a DofE award you must complete at least one module from the Young Leader Training Scheme or 2 hours of other Young Leader training at each level so it’s worthwhile completing the Young Leader training scheme and earning the Young Leader Award.