

Adult Volunteers

The Sandstone Scout Group relies entirely on adult volunteers who give their time free of charge to provide the young members the experiences which will help to shape their future lives as responsible and caring members of their communities.

There are many ways that adult volunteers can help the Sandstone Scout Group.

Sandstone Scout Group Scout Council

The Sandstone Scout Group Council includes all Leaders and Parents, and any former Scouts and their Parents who wish to join. It meets once a year for an AGM and at any other time it chooses to meet. It appoints the Group Executive Committee.

Sandstone Scout Group Trustee Board

The Group Trustee Board exists to support the Leaders by:

  • maintaining an objective oversight of the Group
  • drawing the attention of the Leaders to issues which may be arising or improvements which could be made
  • representing the views of parents and the local community
  • generating new ideas
  • organising fund raising events and joint events between sections
  • managing the Group’s property and equipment
  • managing the Group’s finances
  • taking charge of publicity and public relations
  • assisting with the recruitment of Leaders and other adult supporters

Its members are elected at the Group Council AGM, appointed by the Group Scout Leader or co-opted by the Committee. There are no other membership qualifications, minimal training requirement, and no need to wear a uniform or become a member of the Scout Association! It is particularly important that parents are represented on the Trustee Board and that it includes at least one parent from each section.

Specific responsibilities are performed by certain members of the Board:

  • Group Chairman
  • Group Secretary
  • Group Treasurer
  • Group Administrator
  • Equipment Manager
  • Buildings and Site Manager
  • Woodland Manager
  • PR & Fundraising Manager

The Board meets only when necessary and conducts most of its business “off line”.

If you think you may be interested in joining the Board please contact any of the Leaders or enquire via our Contact page.


If you would like to play an active part in running events for the young people in the Explorer, Scout, Cub or Beaver Sections would you like to become an Adult Leader? Don’t worry about the commitment you’d be taking on – we welcome Leaders who can only help out 2 or 3 times a term.

Read here to help you make up your mind

You would need to apply for a (free) DBS check, attend a meeting with the District appointments panel and complete some basic training (which can be completed on line or face to face in one day), and make the adult Promise in order to become a member of the Scout Association. While doing so you would be invited to help another Leader during normal meetings in the Scout Hut.

The children of adult Leaders receive priority on waiting lists if places are limited.

If you think you might be interested in becoming a Leader please mention it to any of the Leaders or enquire via the Contact page.


If you would just like to help informally during meetings in and around the Scout Hut or on trips away or if you would like to help maintain the buildings, woodland or equipment you can become an “Occasional Helper”.

You will need to complete a DBS check in order to have unsupervised access to the young people but there are no other formalities.

It is currently the policy of the Sandstone Scout Group that at least one parent or guardian of any young person joining joins the rota to help at least once per term if required.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

Find out more